Thursday, 29 December 2016

The KISS Principle - By Ajit Patel, CEO Sanda Wellbeing Group

                                                         The KISS Principle:

Are you wondering what “KISS” stands for? Its short for- Keep it Simple and Stupid. In the years that I have been doing business, I have noticed that every company tries to do something clever- whether they are developing a product, or marketing it. Everyone wants to make an impact, including myself. But through the years as an entrepreneur, I have learnt that simple actions can have a BIG impact.  I have observed this principle through Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Junior’s work. Gandhiji’s simple act of non- violence helped him bring down the British Empire, and Martin Luther King Junior’s civil rights movement provided equality for African Americans. Experiencing the power of this principle through the success that I have achieved, I would say whenever you start something be sure to Keep It Simple and Stupid, as you will be surprised as to what you can achieve.