Yoga Vs Meditation
Yoga Vs Meditation - Ajit Patel UK |
lot of people aren’t really clear on the differences between meditation and
yoga. We often hear people say “I’m meditating” or “I’m doing yoga.” Sometimes
they are intending to suggest the same thing while other times they may be
talking about drastically different things.
In our Sanda Wellbeing and Wellness we differentiate very clearly.
we must understand the two words and where they come from. I’ll start with the
word Yoga. Yoga is an ancient Sanskrit word, which basically means “union.”
This union means the connection between soul (the individual) and Spirit (God
or universe). Yoga is not only the word to describe this state of union but is
also the means to attain this state of union.
an ancient sage, is credited with formulating what is known as the Eight Limbs
of Yoga. Without getting into too much detail they are as follows: 1. Yama
(Do’s) 2. Niyama (Don’ts) 3. Asanas (Positions) 4. Pranayama (Control of breath
or Life Force) 5. Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal) 6. Dharana (Concentration) 7.
Dhyana (Meditation) and 8. Samadhi (Spiritual Ecstasy).
are the basics steps of yoga (union) to attain the state of yoga (union). In
the truest sense of the word a yogi is one who has permanently attained this
lofty state of spiritual union although it can also be true that a yogi is
merely one who practices yoga. Some choose to be technical and call these
individuals “yogi aspirants.”
meditation comes from the word “Dhyana” (the 7th limb of yoga) and is
essentially a state of awareness or consciousness. This, in the beginning, is a
spiritual state where the practicing yogi has successfully turned his or her
attention inward, shutting off the senses and outer distractions and transcends
the restless mind. What’s important to note is that meditation is not a verb or
an act. It is technically a misnomer to say that you are “meditating.” One
cannot truly meditate; they can only do certain things and practice to bring
about the state of meditation or dhyana.
key ingredients to bring about the state of meditation (dhyana) and,
ultimately, yoga (union) focuses on a relaxed body, calm mind, proper breathing
and control of prana or life force. The practices of yoga are truly designed to
help one learn to control this life force. Prana is known as the subtle
intelligent energy that sustains all of creation and is most correlated to the
breath in man. In fact, it is stated that one cannot willfully achieve
meditation (dhyana) or yoga (union) until he or she learns to control this life
force. People may sometimes unwillfully achieve a state of meditation or yoga but
these are normally believed to be through the grace of God or deep sincere
devotion. Yet even these experiences are beyond one’s control.
Through steady practice,
discipline, devotion, non-attachment and various spiritual ideals it is said
that one may ultimately learn to enter the state of Samadhi willfully. When one
is able to accomplish this they became known as enlightened. There are actually
a couple different types of samadhi as well. One is Salvikalpa Samadhi which
means “with difference” in that one finds spiritual union to the exclusion of
the outside world. The other is known as Nirvakalpa Samadhi meaning “without
difference” so that one can stay in this highest state of spiritual ecstasy and
still interact with the world. When one is able to permanently fix this state
of awareness they become known as a Kaivalyam or one who is liberated!- By Ajit Patel, UK, Sanda Wellbeing & Wellness
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