Sunday, 25 June 2017

Ajit Patel Sanda Wellness - Foods High In Potassium

Foods High In Potassium That You Don’t Eat Enough Of – Ajit Patel Sanda Wellness

Bananas are a popular fruit and often top of mind when it comes to high potassium.
One medium sized banana contains 422mg of potassium, which is 9% of the recommended dietary intake (RDI).
Bananas are 90% carbohydrate and contain little protein and fat. They are also a good source of magnesium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B6, copper, manganese and fiber.
Additionally, the fiber in an unripe banana consists of resistant starch. Resistant starch may help to maintain blood sugar levels, promote growth of good gut bacteria and increase feelings of fullness.
Summary: One medium banana is high in potassium, providing 9% of the RDI. Bananas are also packed with many other nutrients essential for good health.
The avocado is an extremely healthy fruit.
A 100 gram serve of avocado provides 485mg of potassium, which is actually more than bananas.
The potassium is thought to improve blood pressure by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation
Avocados are a unique fruit as they are high in fat rather than carbohydrate. They contain 71% monounsaturated fats which are known for being heart healthy
Despite being high in fat, studies have shown that avocados can help with weight loss and weight maintenance
Avocados can also help us absorb more nutrients. Their distinct fat and water content increases absorption of carotenoids from other foods by 2 to 5 times
Carotenoids may reduce oxidative stress, which is a risk factor for cancer, cardiovascular disease and poor eye health
In addition, avocados are a good source of fiber, folate, magnesium and vitamins B5, B6, E and K.
Bottom of Form
Summary: Avocados are a rich source of potassium, even better than bananas. A 100 gram serve of avocado provides about 485mg of potassium.
The white potato is a staple vegetable and is consumed worldwide.
One medium potato with skin contains 926mg of potassium and just 161 calories.
They are also a significant source of essential vitamins and minerals, rich in magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, fiber and folate
However, many people still don’t consider potatoes to be nutritious, with some claiming they are linked to obesity and diabetes
The problem is often the way they are cooked– with added fats and oils that make it high in calories.
It’s best to stick to boiled or baked potato and avoid fried potatoes and potato chips (crisps). Another trick is to keep the skin on, as several nutrients are concentrated in the skin.
Summary: The white potato is a good source of potassium, particularly when the skin is left on.
The sweet potato is a starchy root vegetable packed full of nutrients.
They come in a variety of colors including white, orange, yellow and purple.
Each 100 gram serving of sweet potato provides 475mg of potassium and just 90 calories. That’s a whopping 10% of the RDI.
In addition, they are an excellent source of vitamin A with a 100 gram serve providing 100% of the RDI. Vitamin A is an antioxidant, helps to maintain skin and mucus membranes and is important for eye health
Summary: A 100 gram serve of sweet potato is high in potassium, providing 475mg plus 100% of the RDI for Vitamin A.
Tomatoes are extremely versatile and an important feature of the heart healthy Mediterranean diet.
Although fresh tomatoes contain potassium, tomato products such as tomato paste, puree and juice are a particularly good source. A 100 gram serve of tomato puree provides 439mg and one cup of tomato juice provides 556mg.
The deep red color of tomatoes comes from the carotenoid called lycopene. A high dietary intake of carotenoids has been shown to decrease the risk of some cancers, heart disease and macular degeneration
In addition, tomatoes have an active ingredient called tomatine which is thought to reduce cholesterol levels
Summary: Tomato products such as tomato paste, puree and juice are a particularly good source of potassium. Tomato products may also help fight cancer and heart disease.

-          Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing and Sanda Wellness Group, Goldshield Group, WeMet

Ajit Patel Sanda Wellbeing - How Often Should You Exercise?

How Often Should You Exercise? – Ajit Patel Sanda Wellbeing

When it comes to weight loss or even a regular fitness routine that you wish to adopt, you may have wondered how often to exercise. Do you have to work out every single day, or should you allow a day or two of rest in between? And does it differ when you’re doing cardio workouts or weight training workouts? Will it be better if you work out three days in a row rather than spreading your exercise through the week?
Even though regular exercise has a long-lasting effect on your fitness, it also produces effects that may not necessarily linger. Take for instance a brisk walk. It will lead to an almost immediate change in the blood-sugar control for many people, but if you don’t walk or exercise in any way for the next couple of days consecutively, whatever health benefits you have gained will evaporate.
Secondly, if you don’t exercise regularly or take too many gaps, your endurance is also affected. So does your motivation. Researchers have found that one of the reasons why people continue to exercise is that they have enjoyed the previous day’s exercise. Longer periods between exercise sessions could affect your enthusiasm.
There is also a possibility that if you take too many breaks in between your active days, then you might also be more susceptible to workout-related injuries, aches and pains.
When it comes to weight training, most experts say that weight training should not be done every day because resistance exercises that stress your muscles actually create small tears in the muscle fibers, and the muscles then need 24 to 48 hours to heal and repair themselves. Aim for 2 to 3 strength training sessions per week. As for cardio workouts, they can be done 3 to 5 times a week, for 20 to 60 minute sessions.
If you choose walking, swimming, low-impact aerobics, using an elliptical machine or bicycle riding, for your fitness regime to be effective the key is to not miss more than two days in a row.

-          Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing and Sanda Wellness Group, Goldshield Group, WeMet

Ajit Patel Goldshield - Plants That Help You Breathe Easy

Plants That Help You Breathe Easy – Ajit Patel Goldshield

Houseplants give off oxygen and help remove chemicals like formaldehyde, a common indoor vapour that can cause respiratory and neurological problems.
Here are a few plants that can help you breathe easier:
Aloe veraThis easy-to-grow, sun-loving plant helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. It is a smart choice for a sunny kitchen window. Other than its air-clearing qualities, the gel inside an aloe plant is known to be a miracle healer of cuts and burns.
Snake plant: This plant is one of the best for filtering out formaldehyde, common in cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues and personal care products. You could put one in your bathroom where it will thrive with low light and humid conditions and filter out air pollutants.
Chrysanthemum: These colorful flowers help filter out benzene, which is commonly found in glue, paint, plastics and detergent.  
Weeping fig: A Weeping fig or Ficus in your living room can help filter out pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene that accompany carpeting and furniture
Bamboo palm: This small palm thrives in shady indoor spaces. It tops the list of plants best for filtering out both benzene and trichloroethylene. They’re also a good choice for placing around furniture that could be off-gassing formaldehyde.

-          Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing and Sanda Wellness Group, Goldshield Group, WeMet

Ajit Patel Sanda Wellbeing - Benefits of Lemon

Benefits of Lemon – Ajit Patel Sanda Wellbeing
When life gives you a lemon, slice it in half, squeeze the juice into a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning.
If your body says, “Nooo, not before a cuppa joe,” each morning, try this before your caffeine fix: Drink a glass of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice (about half a lemon) about 20 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. If you’re trying this for the first time, begin with a quarter of a lemon and over several days, work your way up to half a lemon. Fresh squeezed lime juice works just as well if that is your preference.
So much so, you may not even miss your morning coffee. Relying on caffeine has long-term consequences, including taking a toll on your adrenal glands (which are already overworked thanks to stress, late nights, and too many stimulants). Instead, lemon water oxygenates and energizes the body – a great jump start to your day.
According to Dr. Jonn Matsen, ND, lemon water stimulates the stomach to increase its production of digestive juices and improves peristalsis, the muscular contractions that push food through the entire digestive system. Improved digestion means better nutrient absorption and less bloating.
So does coffee, you say? Yes, but coffee acts as a laxative, unnaturally ‘shaking things up’ in your colon to move them out. A simple glass of lemon water stimulates the liver’s production of bile. This, combined with improved peristalsis of the entire digestive system, is a more natural method of waste removal. Lemon water also acts as a mild diuretic, increasing the frequency of urination and gently flushing out toxins from the urinary tract. The result: better waste and waist management.
A squeeze of fresh lemon juice gives you a shot of the antioxidant vitamin C (about 44.5 mg per lemon), but more importantly, it helps the body maintain a balanced pH. Although a lemon tastes acidic, inside the body it is alkaline – and an alkaline body is an important key to good health.
With more than 500 functions, the liver is a very busy organ. Its most important role is to filter blood of waste products, drugs, pesticides, and other poisons. The two-phase process needs bile to carry the neutralized toxins into the intestines for safe removal. Lemon juice is a powerful cholagogue, a substance that stimulates bile production and promotes the flow of bile into the small intestine. A morning glass of lemon water gently detoxifies the liver – and thus, the entire body.
The liver is an important fat-burning organ. It regulates fat metabolism, breaking down fats and shipping them out via the large intestine. A daily glass of lemon water stimulates fat loss and may also help rid your legs and other body parts of stubborn cellulite.
The detoxifying action of drinking lemon water will release impurities through every exit point (or detoxification channel), including skin. You may experience a mild bout of acne at first, but that will soon be replaced with healthy glowing skin.
Lemon makes water taste better, and if it tastes better, you’re likely to drink more of it. Plus, it’s virtually calorie-free. We recommend starting your day with a glass, but if you enjoy it, drink it throughout the day.

-          Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing and Sanda Wellness Group, Goldshield Group, WeMet

Ajit Patel UK - Mind, Body & Soul Bootcamp

Mind, Body & Soul Bootcamp – Ajit Patel UK
If you want to master all aspects of your life, the following simple tips will help you make important changes – both big and small.
Learn something new Your brain is just like muscle, and ‘use it or lose it’ applies just the same. Learning something new improves memory, overall brain function and grows new neurological connections. Anything from learning a language to playing an instrument, cooking new recipes or learning a new craft like knitting or embroidery, will get you out of the ‘click and play’ world we’ve become used to. We are forgetting how to think! Learn something with a little challenge to stay sharp.
Become a critical thinker When people receive new information they either accept it as truth, or reject it based on whether or not it fits into their beliefs. If you’re not sure – just notice how you just received this piece of information. But what if you started to question things? What if, rather than blindly accepting or rejecting, you were ruthless with your own beliefs and opinions? Without questioning we become intolerant and inflexible. We set up rules for how life should be and when things don’t fit our rules we get upset, or angry. When we question, our mind becomes more flexible. We become more tolerant. We get less wound up when things didn’t go as they ‘should’. But don’t take my word for it. Go test it for yourself. What would happen if you questioned more?
Let go of the past Painful emotions from past events affect your current thoughts and actions. Emotions from the past cloud your thinking, and lead you to make poor decisions, and actions. Most people make the mistake of simply suppressing or expressing emotions. Instead find a way to release them. This is the key to happiness and positive mind-set.
Breathe You might think you know how to breathe and because you do it automatically, you don’t need to pay attention. But studies show that most people breathe high and shallow in their chest, which triggers the stress response. Slow, deep belly breathing for at least three to seven minutes at a time triggers the relaxation response. It also increases energy levels and makes you more alert and also reduces stress.
Change your exercise routine It’s just as important to vary your exercise routine as it is to exercise at all. When you do the same exercise it loses its impact because the body learns to adapt. To increase your fitness levels, change your exercise routine. Start a new class, swim, cycle, run or just increase your weights in the gym. You’ll be amazed how much harder even a small change can feel. Remember pain is just weakness leaving the body.
Get more sleep As well as improving memory and brain function, there’s a direct link between how much sleep you get and the thickness of your waistline. Those who get less sleep tend to be overweight. Getting anything from seven to nine hours a night is essential. So turn off the TV and your phone, lie down and close your eyes and go to sleep.
Start Meditating Latest research shows that one of the best ways to look 10 years younger is to meditate for only 20 minutes a day. It releases human growth hormone, which not only boosts your energy levels and immune system, it’s the chemical known as the elixir of eternal youth. Other benefits of meditation include reduced blood pressure, improved immunity, reduced stress and increased emotional wellbeing. It releases a cocktail of ‘happy hormones’ so you become joy-filled and joyful.
Practise non-judgment Most of the time we label things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, both of which are judgments made by the ego mind. To practise non-judgment you simply stop labelling things; instead you use this simple phrase ‘How interesting!’ Just say it silently to yourself whenever you’re tempted to think of something as good or bad. Because the Higher Self has no judgments this simple technique helps you access your non-judgmental Higher Self.
Be more present We’re often told to be present but not told exactly how to do this. It’s really simple. You look right into people’s eyes. It can be a little uncomfortable at first, simply because most people aren’t used to it. Do this with a soft gaze, with a gentle smile, rather than laser eye-balling the other person. They will feel really seen and heard, and will respond in a much more open way.

-          Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing and Sanda Wellness Group, Goldshield Group, WeMet

Ajit Patel Sanda Wellness - Cantaloupe Keeps You Hydrated and Refreshed

Cantaloupe Keeps You Hydrated and Refreshed – Ajit Patel Sanda Wellness
It is cantaloupe season! This is the time to eat lots of this delicious, juicy fruit while it’s in its peak and reap the health benefits carotene. Melon season is from June to August, so there is plenty of time to eat lots of cantaloupes.
Research found about cantaloupe when they measured the carotenoid contents of six California-grown cantaloupes, they found that the beta-carotene content was almost 30 times higher than the content of fresh oranges. Still, carrots have the highest amount of beta-carotene.
So what is Carotene (AKA Beta-Carotene)?
·         It is the yellow/orange/red pigment found in some fresh fruits and vegetables
·         It is converted into vitamin A which is an essential vitamin
·         It is a carotenoid and an antioxidant
The Many Benefits of Carotene
·         Boosts Immunity
Carotenes found in cantaloupe have been found to boost the immune system and prevent infections, according to research. Other studies have indicated that beta-carotene can improve the function of immune cells and can be very useful in cancer.
·         Protects Eye Health Including Macular Degeneration
Cantaloupes are full of nutrients that are protective for eye health (beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, lutein and zeaxanthin).
Zea-xanthin is a carotenoid that is responsible for antioxidant and protective UV light-filtering functions in the eye.  Carotenoids have been found to delay some destructive processes in the eyes which lead to macular degeneration. Severe vitamin A or vitamin C deficiency can lead to macular degeneration; eating cantaloupe is a great way to help prevent it from developing.
·         Reduces Diabetes
Diets high in β-carotene and α-carotene were found in a study to reduce Type 2 diabetes.
·         Lowers Risk of Colon Cancer
Diets high in carotenoids were found to be associated with a lower risk.
·         All-cause Of Mortality Goes Down
Seven studies with 149,774 people clearly showed that a high intake of beta-carotene was connected to a reduced risk of all-cause mortality.
“Cucumis melo [musk melon, or cantaloupe] has been shown to possess useful medicinal properties such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-platelet, anti-ulcer, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, hepato-protective, diuretic, anti-diabetic, anthelmintic and anti-fertility activity,” according to the  International Research Journal of Pharmacy.
Other Health Benefits of Cantaloupe
1.    Great for keeping hydrated
The high water content with electrolytes makes cantaloupes a great snack during the hot summer months, which will prevent dehydration and help keep you cool.
2. Good for Body’s pH Level
Cantaloupes are one of the alkaline foods; they help bring the pH level of the body back to a balance.
3. Helps With Weight Loss
A cup of cantaloupe has only 60 calories, is high in water and is nutritious which is good for part of a weight loss plan.
4. Assists the Body to Detox
It is rich in electrolytes which help the body to detox, ridding it of excess water. It also helps balance water in the intestines so you don’t become dehydrated, stopping diarrhea from happening.
5. Helpful for Digestion
It is a hydrating fruit, with a high percentage of water, which helps the digestive system to move toxins along. Being a melon, it is easy to digest.

The rough outer skin of the cantaloupe is susceptible to contamination, trapping bacteria that can enter the inner fruit. Also, it is best to purchase organic cantaloupes, because they often are sprayed with five of the longest-lasting chemicals.

Do take some extra care when cutting it:
·         Make sure it is not bruised or damaged
·         Always refrigerate cut cantaloupe within two hours
·         Just before cutting, wash it in water using a scrub brush
·         Always, cut off the stem end; research says that is where the most bacterial contamination can be.
·         After cutting, wash the cutting board, knives and utensils well.
One cup of cantaloupe has only 54 calories, 270 mg vitamin A (120% DV), 59 mg citamin C (108% DV), potassium and B vitamins including thiamine, niacin, folate, as well as vitamin K, magnesium and fiber.  For the full details go to Cantaloupe Nutrition.
How to find a ripe cantaloupe
·         First, pick it up and feel its weight. It should feel full and heavy.
·         Now, tap on the cantaloupe to hear the sound it makes. If it sounds dull and deep, it is a ripe cantaloupe. If it sounds hollow, it probably is not ripe.
·         Next press gently on the top (where the stem was) with your thumb, if it gives way slightly, it is perfect. If it feels soft it is likely overripe.
·         Finally, make sure that there is no bruising or damage.
Other Tips
·         A ripe cantaloupe’s rind usually will be cream-colored or yellow or golden. An unripe rind of a cantaloupe will contain some green or gray.
·         When you smell the bottom of a cantaloupe, an unripe one will have a faint scent or none at all. Ripe ones will have that distinctive cantaloupe aroma; if the fragrance is strong, it may be overripe.
How to Store
·         Place a ripe cantaloupe in the crisper of the refrigerator and it will last for three to four days.
·         An unripe cantaloupe is best left out at room temperature for a few days to ripen and be softer and juicier.
·         When a cantaloupe is fully ripe it must be refrigerated.
·         Never wash a ripe or unripe cantaloupe while it is whole and uncut. You will not be able to dry it well and the problem is that its surface will absorb moisture during washing. The moisture will increase mold forming thus lessening its shelf life.
·         Only wash the whole cantaloupe just before cutting so there will be little risk of mold forming.
Tips for eating
You can simply cut up the cantaloupe or scoop out with a ball maker and make a salad with watermelon and honeydew melon.
Cantaloupe seeds are a good snack food. First wash the seed in a fine mesh wire strainer, rinsing under cool running water while removing the pulpy fibers. After they have been cleaned and drained, place the seeds on a cookie sheet and lightly roast them at 160-170°F in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

-          Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing and Sanda Wellness Group, Goldshield Group, WeMet