Three Simple Kitchen Ingredients to Improve Your Wellness – Ajit
Patel Wellbeing
If you are looking to improve
your wellness through diet
and nutrition, there are three key ingredients that you should not ignore.
These common household staples can make a real difference to your wellbeing, if
taken on a daily basis. They are: garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar.
When used every day, these three simple products
could actually cure many common health problems. You could either take them
alone or you can mix
them together, and you can either take them ‘neat’ on a daily basis or you can
simply ensure that you include them as ingredients in things that you cook on adaily
Apple cider vinegar is packed full of
minerals and has trace elements of calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium,
sodium, chlorine, copper, sulfur, silicon, iron and fluorine. It’s also rich in
vitamins A, C and E as well as B1, B2 and B6 and is packed with amino acids and beta
carotene. It has been used for centuries as a cleansing agent and healing
It can boost your metabolism, reduce your
cholesterol, regulate your blood
pressure and improve your circulation. It can also help with allergies,
sinus infections, flu, acne, chronic fatigue, sore throats, gout and arthritis.
It’s great for breaking down fats too and can be used for weight
Garlic is well known for lowering bad cholesterol.
It can help your body to prevent the formation of fatty deposits
within the arteries, thus warding off heart disease. Regular garlic can also
help you to fight off colds and other infections.
Honey is great for boosting the natural energy
reserves and supporting a healthy
immune system. It is frequently used as a very effective remedy for the
symptoms of a cold such as sore throat, cough and respiratory problems.
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